police brutality punk
June 4, 2020


listen on mixcloud

00:00 really red - teaching you the fear -
lyrics - you'll hear "bayou" in a few of these Houston bands' songs, in reference to the murder of Jose Torres
03:13 dicks - pigs run wild -
lyrics - gary floyd recent statement on use of the the n-word
05:20 ak-47 - the badge means you suck -
09:10 dead kennedys - police truck -
11:34 the COPS - police brutality -
they dress like cops at their live shows and all of their songs are about cops. check them out. only in houston.>
13:37 GFO - police raid
14:22 tampax - police in the car
16:14 (arnold schwarzeneggar - hey. i'm a police officer)
16:15 hugh beaumont experience - police state USA
17:44 crap detectors - police state
19:46 asbestos rock pyle - police state
21:54 the eat - nut cop -
23:08 vigil-anti - darlinghurst police
25:08 america's hardcore - cops are criminals
26:04 urban waste - police brutality -
27:01 dogshit kid - eat the police
28:24 (this is the police speaking)
28:25 black flag - police story -
29:58 crucifucks - cops for fertilizer
31:57 partisans - bastards in blue -
33:59 angelic upstarts - the murder of liddle towers -
lyrics and info
38:32 angelic upstarts - police oppression
42:00 vast majority (2015) - throwdown live -
46:08 rough francis - big box law enforcement
48:01 le tigre - bang! bang!
lyrics (they count to 41, the number of times officers shot Amadou Diallo)
50:34 pop-o-pies - fascists eat donuts
55:00 (blues brothers - are you the police?)
55:06 pataphysics - policeman (uranium savages)
57:43 arthur brown's kingdom come - night of the pigs
58:49 XEX - cops
01:01:16 tara cross - i wanna be a cop
01:02:37 harry burgess - chicago policeman - info, sort of
01:06:08 the rudy schwartz project - visiting LA? why not castrate a cop? (1991)
01:07:59 lord buckley - his majesty, the policeman
01:09:50 lenny bruce - cops / who are the thought police
01:11:44 david peel and the lower east - here comes a cop
01:14:20 the equals - police on my back
01:17:00 phil ochs - cops of the world
01:22:02 dead kennedys - i fought the law
- lyrics

"Original Gangsters" by Mark Harris


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