October 23, 2019
(milltary music of adolf hitler's third reich - lied der panzer-grenadiere)
(record needle scratch)
club moral - nazis of the night
cracked actor - nazi school
namenlos - nazis
(nazi youth girls) -
stains - john wayne was a nazi
the dicks - no nazi's friend
the fall - who makes the nazis
twilight zone - he's alive -
(milltary music of adolf hitler's third reich - alte kameraden)
chancellor adolf hitler - on the occasion of germany's occupation of the sudetenland in Czechoslovakia
savage republic - kill the facsists
(milltary music of adolf hitler's third reich - marsch der sturm-artillerie)
(record needle scratch)
dead kennedys - nazi punks fuck off
simply saucer - nazi apocalypse
(seinfeld - soup nazi)
unnatural axe - they saved hitler's brain
john dowie - hitler's liver
(bugs bunny hitler) -
the almanac singers - round and round hitler's grave
janet greene - fascist threat
scientific americans - fascists
(microcassettor - fascistsanta)
information society - (we don't need this) fascist groove thing
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