August 29, 2022


00:00:00 sweet cherry - funny things flowering
00:02:50 the pasternak progress - flower eyes
00:04:52 hal blaine - flower society (may)
00:07:19 salem 66 - sleep on flowers
00:11:52 suspirians - spinning flowers
00:19:33 the primitives - thru the flowers
00:22:12 inspiral carpets - garage full of flowers
00:26:30 christmas - 100 million flowers
00:30:42 jo tongo - those flowers
00:35:03 bill nelson - portrait of jan with flowers
00:37:17 weenie roast - flowerpot
00:39:17 colour haze - flowers
00:46:33 albert ayler - dancing flowers
00:48:59 the cambodian space project - broken flower
00:52:48 alma henderson - where the wild flower grows
00:54:42 pete seeger - where have all the flowers gone
00:56:05 th' faith healers - gorgeous blue flower in my garden
01:02:02 robert pollard - flowering orphan
01:03:47 wild man fisher and smegma - dandylion flower
01:04:24 salvation army - she turns to flowers
01:06:57 big jim sullivan - flower power
01:10:53 chug - flowers
01:14:19 nitty gritty dirt band - you are my flower
01:17:51 better sweet - like the flowers
01:20:26 jefferson handkerchief - i'm allergic to flowers
01:23:47 bob dylan - state flowers
01:24:36 the carter family - wildwood flower
01:28:42 devil's dykes - plastic flowers
01:31:33 john williams - flowers in your hair
01:34:02 michel gonet - flower dance
01:36:40 loadstone - flower pot
01:39:54 10 light 6 - h flowers
01:43:26 john rydgren - dark side of the flower
01:47:20 Ro-D-Ys - flowers everywhere
01:50:24 the great unwashed - flowers (station hotel 81)
01:53:02 urinals - dead flowers
01:54:02 maher shalal hash baz - flowerages
01:57:21 coon creek girls - flowers blooming in the wildwood
02:00:06 positive k - a flower grows in brooklyn
02:03:36 plant life - flower girl
02:05:39 the tape-beatles - flowers for dead heroes
02:09:00 ultimate spinach - mind flowers
02:18:06 dave travis extreme - last night the flowers bloomed
02:20:00 moonpark intersection - i think i’ll just go & find me a flower
02:22:25 crystal chandelier - suicidal flowers
02:24:46 cold sun - twisted flower
02:27:57 vernon oxford - field of flowers
02:30:20 nelstone's hawaiians - fatal flower garden

sweet cherry

the pasternak progress

hal blaine

salem 66


the primitives

inspiral carpets


jo tongo

bill nelson

colour haze

albert ayler

cambodian space project

alma henderson

pete seeger

th' faith healers

robert pollard

wild man fisher

salvation army

big jim sullivan


nitty gritty dirt band

carter family

devil's dykes

john williams



the great unwashed


maher shalal hash baz

coon creek girls

positive k

the tape-beatles

ultimate spinach

dave travis extreme

crystal chandelier

cold sun

vernon oxford


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